Only the Community Superuser has the right to change these community settings. It is recommended to have at least two Superusers. Here are a few tips for you. For further details and assistance please don't hesitate to contact our customer support!

In Community settings you can

  1. edit community contact details and description
  2. change community logo or other image
  3. manage the joining process
  4. determine which membership information is obligatory
  5. manage invoicing settings
  6. manage your subscription

1. Editing community contact details and description

Go to your community home page from the Your Communities drop-down menu. Click Settings in the menu on the left. You will be taken to Basic Information tab. Edit the information in the fields provided and add a short description of your association (this description shows in the joining form and all messages and bills sent from Membook).

Click Save. You will be notified of a succesfull operation.

2. Add or change a community logo or image

You can set a logo or an image for your community. It then appears on the community home page, in the community menu, and for public communities in community search. The logo is also displayed on the joining form and all messages and bills sent from Membook. The logo is a great way to personalize your Membook. 

The image must be in .jpg or .png format.

Under Profile Picture, click Select File. Find and select the image with the .jpg or .png extension on your computer and click Open.

Click Upload Image to see a preview of your image. Don't forget to Save.

3. Manage the joining process

Go to your community settings and click the Publicity tab. When you want people to be able to join your community or association directly through Membook search, make your community publicly visible by selecting Public under Joining in Membook.

  • A public community appears in Membook's community search.
  • A hidden community does not appear in community search and can only be joined via email invitation or spesific joining form.

When you want to publish a joining form (to your website or social media) click Yes under Is public joining form in use. Then copy the Public Joining Address link and paste it into your website or elsewhere you need it.

4. Obligatory information

Go to the Publicity tab in the top bar. In the "Information requested from the user" section you can manage information requested from the user when joining the community. Check the requirements for phone number, email and address. This information remains mandatory throughout membership.

Click Save.

In the Additional Information tab you can check the settings for required additional information by section and by field. The selection must be made separately for each section and field.

5. Invoicing settings, account number etc

Go to the Invoicing tab.

Selection of due days: set your invoicing due date (14 days, 21 days or 30 days)

In the Community bank account number field, set the bank account number to which you want to receive your Membook payment transactions.

If you want to encourage members to make donations (i.e. paying extra) click to select the Donations check box. A text field opens below the check box. Write a description that will appear on the invoices. For example, the description might look like this: "Here is your membership invoice. If you wish, you can also donate a small amount to support the activities of the association. Just add your donation to the amount due. Thank you!"

Click Save.

6. Your subscription

In Subscription tab you can manage your Membook subscription. As a default you will be using our Basic version. It is always free to use for a month but you can ask for continuation for your evaluation period if needed.

The features of the smaller version are always included in the larger versions. Prices and more detailed information about the versions can be found here (LINK TODO). 

Note. If you use the Basic version and your community has less than 200 members AND less than 200 payment transactions per year, you will automatically be charged by the "Mini" version of Basic. It does does not have a monthly fee - you only pay for your payment transactions. 

Of course you can always downgrade to our Free version of Membook by clicking the Activate button.