• If you received an invitation from your community to join Membook, click on the link in the invitation email to sign up for a user account.
  • If you are a new customer and would like to use Membook for your community, start by creating a user account first. 

Registration by email

Enter your name and email in the fields provided. Come up with a password and enter it in both fields provided.

Read the terms of use by clicking the "Terms of Use" link. They will open in a new tab. Return to the registration tab and accept the terms of use by clicking the check box.

Click the "Create Account" button. You will then receive a confirmation email. This will ensure that your email was spelled correctly and works. So check your inbox and look for the confirmation message. The message should be delivered immediately, or in a couple of minutes. If you don't find this email from us, check your spam and other folders.

Open the message you received and click the confirmation link inside.Your Membook user account is now activated and you will be redirected to Membook front page. 

If you registered via email invitation, you will be redirected to your community page.

Sign up with a Facebook, Google+ or Twitter account

These services are not working at the moment due to API-restrictions from third party solutions.